Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Thursday and Monday Combined!

Since apparently I decided to take the week off and not post anything, I'll just do one master post of the last couple that I've missed! Hopefully that won't happen again! But anybody who just started school understands what kind of stress I am going through, and with it being my senior year, I feel like there's even more stress added to my huge pile! So bear with me as I try to get my life organized, including this blog!

Soooo, to make up for last thursday, here is your song my dearies.
This song is awesome because it's by Train, and they are just the
also it throws a lot of things out at once and I don't know why, I just love it!
It's called "50 Ways to Say Goodbye"
Here ya go!
Alrighty then, now I need to make up for Monday!
For this weeks Dashing Man, I chose Armie Hammer, because he is just a beautiful human being.
Fun Fact: Did you know Armie Hammer is heir to the Arm & Hammer Company?

he makes baking soda look good.
Well there you go! Go on and jam out to Train, then have wonderful dreams about Armie Hammer!


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